when i got back, since i was car-less, i hung out at my mom & dad's house for a good part of the day. they were working out in the yard, so taylor killed some time by digging in the dirt for creatures. i went inside and got her a cup of water mixed with laundry detergent and poured it on some piles of dirt for her... to try to draw up some bugs and worms. (this is one of those things where i have no clue the science behind it, but this is what we did when i was a kid, so this is what i know to do). in fact, my mom even said "i don't remember the kids ever doing that, but if she remembers doing it, i guess they did". um.. yeah, that's definitely one thing i've learned being a parent is that kids remember EVERYTHING. it's quite a thing.
here's a photo of taylor holding one of her (in her words) "mother of all worms". the red ice chest was full of worms and snails and junk... she later made me take the ice chest home and free the creatures in our yard. so that was interesting. oh, and while taylor was digging for worms, i helped my dad put up that white fence behind taylor. i'm quite handy if i do say so myself.
on tuesday we had our third soccer practice. taylor fell down more times than i have fingers, and came to us fussing that people keep pushing her... so, i told her that's what you're supposed to do and to just not push with her hands. of everything i told her during soccer practice, THAT is what she remembered. she got on the field and started knocking other kids out of the way with every part of her body she could think of..... even used her hands a couple times (well, i really didn't expect her to pick up on everything i said).. i felt a little bad about telling her to push the other kids.. but seriously, that IS what you're supposed to do..... sort of. but i was expecting her to be more "five year old girl" about it and not all "grown woman with pms" about it. here's a photo i grabbed while out there... no clue if taylor caused this, but from the fact that she's on the ground too, i'd say there's a pretty good chance...
oh, and i finally got my sportsshooter page up and running so if you'd like to check it out, you can click this link www.sportsshooter.com/mistymac
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