Thursday, March 8, 2007

bad bowling and pee wee soccer

so it's been a while since i posted anything, and to my devoted and not-so devoted fans, and others of you who have no idea who i am, but googled "awesome" and stumbled on my blog... i apologize. i will try harder to post faster and more frequent. i sort of promise.

so recently i've had a craving to try something new. so, instead of having a sex change, i went with the more obvious... i shaved my head. oh, no wait.. that's brittney spears. wow, i really need to stop confusing us. anyway.. so i've decided to start painting. i took a trip to michael's last week and gathered up the cheapest painting supplies i could find (i really wouldn't be able to tell the difference anyway) and tried my hand at painting on canvas. it's pretty neat actually. i even tried that "mad at the world so i'm going to slap my brush against the canvas and see what happens" technique, but i guess you really have to be angry for that to work because it really didn't do anything for me. the first painting consisted of me drawing a line down the middle of the canvas, and well, i know this is not a term many of you are comfortable with, but.... "sharing" with matt. he painted his masterpiece on the right hand side and i on the left. and, as a matter of fact, i really like these... matt thinks we should do more like them, and i agree. plus, with him being a famous flaming baton juggler here in america and me being all famous in japan... i really think they'll appeal to a broader audience. plus, if you don't like one half, just cover that eye... look at the other half. hard to argue with me, if i do say so myself.

you can check out the first painting we did here at which i have solely named "jelly donut" (for no reason other than the fact that it's the first thing i felt i wanted to name it. matt doesn't really agree with the name, so next week it may be called "jelly donut and kung pow" or something like that.

taylor also has been painting some masterpieces lately. plus, she creates masterpieces on her skin and clothes too.... and sometimes the table. here is the first of her series, which i have no idea what the name is:

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this is the second painting i did, which i call "bad bowling" because, well.... that's what happened that night. i came home in an unpleasant mood from my horrible last game of bowling monday night during league, and i relaxed by making this:

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which is hanging on my wall by my bedroom along with the painting me and matt made wednesday night while watching "borat" (and no, i wouldn't exactly classify the movie as inspiration...... for anything). i have yet to give this painting a name, and i think since i named the first one, i'll let matt have the option of naming this one, or re-naming the first one (but it'll still be "jelly donut" to me). so, here's the most recent addition to our "photographer paint art" collection:

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now, aside from our new painting hobby, we've got something else new going on. tuesday was taylor's first day playing soccer at the local ymca. this is her first time involved in a sport or team activity outside of preschool, so i'm pretty excited for her. plus, the socks are freaking awesome. also, one of her friends kambria who used to go to nursery with her (and, ironically, used to take beatings from taylor and vice versa....on a daily basis) is on her soccer team. so she's really happy about that. plus, i think she's catching on to the whole "dribbling" the ball thing... i'm always a little afraid when she tries something new, but i think she'll do just fine. here's a few shots i grabbed today of her practicing (they don't have their shirts yet, but i am indeed hoping for orange).

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taylor dribbling the soccer ball through cones (supposed to teach her to use both her feet)... aren't the socks awesome?!

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taylor giving her friend kambria a hug. they haven't seen each other in a long time before tuesday and are really happy to be back together.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucketone of the drills they did was to try and kick the soccerball down the field and try to get it past a "defender" (one of the other kids on the team). here, taylor tries to stop kambria from kicking the ball into the net.

i'm excited to see what this experience is going to do for her.
but for now, i think it's time for another painting.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey Picaso (however you spell it!) The socks are totally awesome!