oh, and happy late blogging also. i finally got the itch to share a little sumpin' sumpin' with you fine folks, so enjoy (or not, you know whatever.. i'm not telling you what to do or anything).
well, this week has been full of easter-type festivity stuff. thursday i went to taylor's school and hung out with her class and got to witness an easter egg hunt, egg-dying, and recess (oh my!).
here's a photo of taylor's class (a very hard image to capture, might i add)..
they ran like mad to each get their limit of 13 eggs.
that's right. limit. of. eggs.
so what if one kid gets 5 and the other gets 20. that just means the other kid could fly. oh, wait no? they can't fly?? oh right.. it just means the other kid was faster. and what's wrong with being rewarded for being faster?? nothing. nothing at all.
back when i was a kid, the phrase "tough tootie" pretty much summed up any competitive activities for me. yeah sometimes i lost, and yeah i didn't always get as much as other kids, but to me, that's the fun.. trying to see who can get the most.
alright. moving on...
here are some photos from the easter egg hunt:
taylor checking the grubbage inside her eggs
for easter, taylor got a mentos and coke experiment kit in her basket. so, what a better time to try it out than when the family gathers 'round....
the first bottle of coke we tried was a dud. it had only been sitting in my pantry for the last 3 years or so. but no fear... matt and i headed down to the local piggly wiggly.. uh.. i mean, walgreens and loaded up on armfulls of 2 liters of carbonated goodness (not for drinking of course, otherwise we would have gotten the regular coke). we also picked up a few extra boxes of mentos "just in case" (in case matt got hungry).
and if you've never heard of this, i'll give you a quick rundown:
mentos + coke = "PPPSSSSSHHHHHHHH!!"
don't believe me? watch this...
in our case, we attached the nifty tube thing to the top of the coke bottle so it allowed us to set all the mentos in the tube, pull a toothpick out, and run.
here's a shot of the bottle just after matt pulled the plug..

the first bottle of coke we tried was a dud. it had only been sitting in my pantry for the last 3 years or so. but no fear... matt and i headed down to the local piggly wiggly.. uh.. i mean, walgreens and loaded up on armfulls of 2 liters of carbonated goodness (not for drinking of course, otherwise we would have gotten the regular coke). we also picked up a few extra boxes of mentos "just in case" (in case matt got hungry).
and if you've never heard of this, i'll give you a quick rundown:
mentos + coke = "PPPSSSSSHHHHHHHH!!"
don't believe me? watch this...
in our case, we attached the nifty tube thing to the top of the coke bottle so it allowed us to set all the mentos in the tube, pull a toothpick out, and run.
here's a shot of the bottle just after matt pulled the plug..
..and the bottle...
not a bad way to spend the holiday, i say. party on mentos. party on.
oh, and in case you didn't know... i started a photo blog, so go check it out. click here (www.mistymacphoto.blogspot.com). i've also got my website up and running if you'd like to check it out, you can click here (www.mistymacphoto.com) or you can just click one of the links off to the right of the blog.
g'night all.
(oh, and i'd like to apologize for posting this one twice. it's the only way it would show up correctly)
oh, and in case you didn't know... i started a photo blog, so go check it out. click here (www.mistymacphoto.blogspot.com). i've also got my website up and running if you'd like to check it out, you can click here (www.mistymacphoto.com) or you can just click one of the links off to the right of the blog.
g'night all.
(oh, and i'd like to apologize for posting this one twice. it's the only way it would show up correctly)
1 comment:
man oh man...have we wasted a many bottles of diet coke...
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