so, i got this in my email today... i think it about sums up my labor day weekend.
but it's okay... because we're in good hands.... right?? -
Quote from FEMA Director Michael Brown, Aug. 28, 2005:
"FEMA is not going to hesitate at all in this storm. We are not going to sit back and make this a bureaucratic process. We are going to move fast, we are going to move quick, and we are going to do whatever it takes to help disaster victims." -
new look, new attitude. we're going big baby. i've changed up my links, so check 'em out. also, my photos are now a tad larger, so please excuse the differentiation (ha!- i didn't even have to look up the spelling).
so this sunday the clouds dumped a ton of water down on the good folks of south louisiana. had i not been getting heavily sedated by the lafourche teacher awards banquet, i probably would have also gotten soaked. but luckily, the rain had stopped by the time the awards were all handed out. the banquet wasn't all bad though, they did have a pretty entertaining comedian and some righteous grub. mostly just grilled chicken and shredded cheese for me though. oh, and the three amigos showed up to sing "feliz navidad" which i thought was a little odd. don't worry.. i'll spare you those photos.
here are a few from the flood- near the intersection of tunnel blvd and levron street in houma.
this is my favorite from the day:
matt shooting in flood waters:
me in a pirogue with some random dude... he rode me through the neighborhood so i could take some more photos- this was before i got attacked by ants. i had to end up throwing my socks away because i couldn't get rid of those little boogers.
you can see more of my flood photos on my photo blog here.
i've also updated my website, so if you'd like to take a look, click here.
... aaaand here's one from my gaffers tape moustache fiasco. i couldn't get it to stay on my face. dumb ol' non-sticky "been used 14 times already" gaffers tape. pleh.
as an added bonus, you can now subscribe to this blog (top right hand column), so no fear.. you can now have emails coming to you everytime i update my blog.. as you can see, is about 5 times a year :)
this year for the 4th, we did what we normally do. we blew some junk up. except we got a little more creative this time. instead of investing our hard earned "dollas" at the fireworks stand on those cheap cardboard thingamagigs with firecrackers sticking out the back, we took a little trip to the local dollar general. we bought some toy boats, some orange plastic cones, and a few other things:
then we headed to val's for some homemade slip'n slide fun and what else.... that's right, you guessed it (well, some of you probably did anyway)... crawfish. i mean.. 4th of july without crawfish is like bread without butta'
here's some photos from the day:
brandi and taylor acting silly
let the sliding commence-
taylor thought i was a surfboard, apparently
mmmm... crawfish
icky fingers
benji sucking the heads (eeeewww)
val getting ready to bust into that capri sun
dad's still hungry
..... and now... onto the blowing stuff up section of this post..
taylor and her sparkler
fireworks that explode underwater??? um... heck yeah!
matt hopping around in front of a firework that acts like a strobe light
.... and what happens when you strap an artillery shell to a plastic boat??
i've been playing around with some lighting techniques lately... now, why would i do this do you ask. (okay, maybe some of you didn't ask.. okay okay.. nobody asked alright! but that's okay because there's no need to ask. i'll just tell you..)
because it's fun, that's why.
well, taylor decided to bust out the slip'n slide the other day and i decided to bust out my flashes -strapped them to the swingset with bungee cords.. attached some remotes, and *voila*.. we had a grand ol' time. until she brought out the dog (that poor dog)... yeah, mackenzie (the dog) was NOT having a grand ol' time. she doesn't like being bathed in the bathtub standing still... i seriously doubt that flying down a strip of plastic at the speed of a galloping pregnant elephant, covered in strawberry soap being held in taylor's death grip thrilled her at all.
anyway- here's a few photos. enjoy.
just 9 more months 'till girl scout cookie season... woohooh.
a little something to make you laugh. (and don't be afraid to replay this 43 times- i know i did)..
oh, yeah.. and this too..
and folks, if you haven't yet seen our "wanker report" videos, please check 'em out. this is what matt and i do with time on our hands ((evil laugh))..
and the other day we visited the the insectarium in new orleans..
you can click on matt's profile and check out other videos he's uploaded.
we're pretty interesting people, if i do say so myself :)
matt and i hit up the festival today for the jazz madness kickoff. we saw the mardi gras indians (creole wild west tribe), a brass band parade, alison krauss with robert plant, and ozomatli with chali 2na who were awesome- (thanks ben for the suggestion).. who got down into the crowd and paraded around, then formed a little band circle right in front of us and played for a while. it was pretty awesome. they also let members of the st. augustine marching band perform with them (freaking rocked).
oh, and as a bonus, we got to hang out backstage at the fais do do stage with my co-worker chuck (who can be easily spotted wearing his highly visible fluorescent orange jazz fest hat and feathers). we hung out and listened to dwayne dopsie for a bit while we hydrated and dehydrated (if you get my drift).
the weather was great, the food was great, and the music, well... of course, great.
here are some photos i snagged with my phone:
here's matt in the crowd with ozomatli
here's ozomatli performing with the st. aug band in the crowd
me in the crowd with ozomatli & the st. aug band
alison krauss and robert plant
me and terrence simien (with his grammy!!)- that's right, be jealous of my grammy holding abilities
i'll be headed out there with rennie on sunday (for sure) for the voice of the wetlands allstars and tim mcgraw. should be awesome (and wet- supposed to rain... wish us luck)!!
oh, and if you've never been... you GOTTA come... you just GOTTA!
and by the way.. if you haven't already heard, my good friends valerie and dustin are now the proud parents of little baby brylen james parkhill weighing in at 7lbs 14oz and 20 inches long. he's happy, he's healthy, and he poops. what more could they ask for?! congrats val, dustin, and big sister katelynn!! -you can view photos of him in my myspace photo albums at
oh, and happy late blogging also. i finally got the itch to share a little sumpin' sumpin' with you fine folks, so enjoy (or not, you know whatever.. i'm not telling you what to do or anything).
well, this week has been full of easter-type festivity stuff. thursday i went to taylor's school and hung out with her class and got to witness an easter egg hunt, egg-dying, and recess (oh my!).
here's a photo of taylor's class (a very hard image to capture, might i add)..
now.. i don't know how many of you were treated as kids, but when i was a kid, easter egg hunts consisted of "hurry and get what you can and see who gets the most". today? no. not allowed. why? because that would be "unfair" to the kids who get less eggs. taylor's class had to line up and run out when they said "go".. and then what?? they ran like mad to get as many eggs as possible? no. they ran like mad to each get their limit of 13 eggs. that's right. limit. of. eggs. so what if one kid gets 5 and the other gets 20. that just means the other kid could fly. oh, wait no? they can't fly?? oh right.. it just means the other kid was faster. and what's wrong with being rewarded for being faster?? nothing. nothing at all.
back when i was a kid, the phrase "tough tootie" pretty much summed up any competitive activities for me. yeah sometimes i lost, and yeah i didn't always get as much as other kids, but to me, that's the fun.. trying to see who can get the most.
alright. moving on...
here are some photos from the easter egg hunt:
taylor checking the grubbage inside her eggs
for easter, taylor got a mentos and coke experiment kit in her basket. so, what a better time to try it out than when the family gathers 'round....
the first bottle of coke we tried was a dud. it had only been sitting in my pantry for the last 3 years or so. but no fear... matt and i headed down to the local piggly wiggly.. uh.. i mean, walgreens and loaded up on armfulls of 2 liters of carbonated goodness (not for drinking of course, otherwise we would have gotten the regular coke). we also picked up a few extra boxes of mentos "just in case" (in case matt got hungry).
and if you've never heard of this, i'll give you a quick rundown:
mentos + coke = "PPPSSSSSHHHHHHHH!!"
don't believe me? watch this...
in our case, we attached the nifty tube thing to the top of the coke bottle so it allowed us to set all the mentos in the tube, pull a toothpick out, and run.
here's a shot of the bottle just after matt pulled the plug..
..and the bottle...
not a bad way to spend the holiday, i say. party on mentos. party on.
oh, and in case you didn't know... i started a photo blog, so go check it out. click here ( i've also got my website up and running if you'd like to check it out, you can click here ( or you can just click one of the links off to the right of the blog.
g'night all.
(oh, and i'd like to apologize for posting this one twice. it's the only way it would show up correctly)