i drove around town for a while looking for a good parking spot and trying to eye maybe a hotel where i could get up high and get a clear shot of the big easy's belly button. it was pretty cool though.. i got to try out the satellite on my new phone. didn't help much though. still kinda cool.
after a while, i found a decent enough spot to park, and walked right up to the lobby of one of the ginormous buildings next to the dome, and the security guard came ask me if i was there for the road home program... um.... not really, but thanks. so, that was kind of wierd. i explained to the lady what i was trying to do, and she was like "um.. no, i don't know what you can do, but i do know that you can't take photos on this building's property".. um.. ok. good to know. i must have ran over those invisible warning signs on my way in... unless that's just information i was supposed to be born with. like the chemical formula for polyester- you're just supposed to know.
anyway.. then i started asking her about the other buildings around... and was like "what about that one.. you think that one is open?"... (the building was only about a block away).. and she was all like "no, but you were gonna go waaay over there??"
well, duh.
so, eventually i did get a decent enough shot, but i had to walk clear around the dome and climb 12 half-flights of stairs (so like 6 real flights) in a VERY very abandoned parking garage. (not cool). it sure is a good thing my camera weighs as much as a computer monitor, ... in the event i would have had to whack somebody with it.
anyway... here is my "betyounevergotasuperdomephotowithnocarsinit" photo...
and speaking of spam...
i've got a little job for you fine folks. seems that the word on the street.. well, at least my street.. okay, well, maybe just the word around my living room is that when i take self portraits (alot), that i tend to make the same rotation of faces each time (alot). so, as i was going through the self portraits i took yesterday evening (again,.. alot)... i noticed that there were, indeed, a variety of facial mishaps. so, i'm curious to see what others think is my best self portrait face. and maybe, just maybe (or maybe not even), the next time i stop to take a self portrait, i just may save some time by just doing the one face. and not the whole bushel of faces. but, if i had to guess, i am willing to bet things will continue just as they always have, but ...
i'm still curious.
so, here you go. me. and the dome. in overtime.
had enough of me yet??? no? well, aren't you in for a treat.
i finally put up some of my photos up on the web. you can check them out here:
4th of july gallery
these are some pictures from my trip to portland, oregon in early june for "geekfest". which, is basically just a gathering of photographers from around the country, where we get to meet other photographers, listen to awesome speakers, and can carry around our cameras 24/7 and bust them out whenever necessary, and not feel awkward about it- like we do when we're around "normal'' people (for example, you).
portland #1 gallery
portland #2 gallery
portland #3 gallery
i've got more portland photos to put up, but i'll send those in another blog. let's just hope i can get around to blogging before we lose another planet.
((laughing uncontrollably))... sorry, just had to share this little bit of late-breaking news- i just saw on jimmy kimmel where a couple was being interviewed by a reporter because somebody stole their pool while they were sleeping.
their pool!!! that's crazy. haha. too funny.
g'night all :)
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