well, apparently some gay activist convinced a bunch of his gay activist friends that this commercial was offensive and that the money snickers paid to make this commercial should have been used for posters and multi-colored markers for their next public protest.... because they managed to get it pulled off the air. i have to say, if i got together a group of friends and complained every time something offended me, donald trump would have to walk around with a sombrero to cover that face-cringing mop of his.
and i'm still confused as to how archie bunker and al bundy slipped through the activist cracks, but... ah, well.
so, in my own personal protest of this decision, i am posting the commercial, and responses to the commercial and how great people think it is. i will warn you though.... if you get offended by red cars, men with hair on their heads and/or chests, chocolate, candy, candy wrappers, white people, hands, fingers, sounds, hubcaps, flourescent light, leather jackets, air hoses, testosterone, long hair, tires, screw drivers, nipples, noses, ears, car seats, wall clocks, plaid shirts, or the word "manly", it's probably best you shy away from this viewing experience. wouldn't want to ruffle your panties. (haha... i said panties.) panties. panties. panties. chimichanga. panties. panties. panties.
on another note, i brought taylor to the bank yesterday to open her own savings account and while we were filling out the paperwork, the owner of the bank came over and introduced himself to her... and, of course, posed for a few pictures. here are two of my favorites.
oh, and just so everyone knows, she is saving up for a kim possible doll (so she says)... it was a black brick house with a swimming pool, but she's changed her mind. silly girl. everyone knows you use your savings to buy girlscout cookies.
my next post will consist of photos from the hercules bash this past weekend.. but for now, i'm just too darn pooped.
You know what i thought when i saw that snickers commercial? "Hey, that's a rip-off of Planes, Trains and Automobiles."
as for the merits of the commercial, if it is what it appears, it's pretty much homophobic. BUT, if it's making fun of homophobes, it's OK. but since snickers hasn't played the "we're making fun of homophobes, stupid" i'm guessing it's the former.
Can you let Taylor know I will be borrowing that hat next time I'm in town, that thing is awesome!
Yeah, I loved that Snickers commercial!
Oh, and Taylor was too cute and with that hat she reminded me of that lil girl form Mary Popins!
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