then we headed to val's for some homemade slip'n slide fun and what else.... that's right, you guessed it (well, some of you probably did anyway)... crawfish. i mean.. 4th of july without crawfish is like bread without butta'
here's some photos from the day:
brandi and taylor acting silly
let the sliding commence-
taylor thought i was a surfboard, apparently
mmmm... crawfish
icky fingers
benji sucking the heads (eeeewww)
val getting ready to bust into that capri sun
dad's still hungry
..... and now... onto the blowing stuff up section of this post..
taylor and her sparkler
fireworks that explode underwater??? um... heck yeah!
matt hopping around in front of a firework that acts like a strobe light
.... and what happens when you strap an artillery shell to a plastic boat??
that's right. ... "kaboom"
you can visit here for more fireworks photos.
and in the words of daffy duck-
"goodbye folkttthhh"