Sunday, September 30, 2007

we call them poopies

this week i got a phone call from my friend val asking me to go pickup a stray pup that showed up in her yard... so i did.

i've been through several litters of puppies (which are referred to as "poopies", because.. well, that's what they do).

dixie's been known to get herself knocked up on occasion, so i'm getting to be a pro at taking care of these little boogers. well, i had NO intention of holding onto this little guy.. who i've named "jeffrey".. in fact, i was hoping to get rid of him as quick as humanly possible. but after spending a few days with him, he's really starting to grow on me.

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he comes to work with me, and sleeps in my bed... and well, taylor loves him and he likes to romp around with dixie. i'm not at all sure what he's mixed with, but we believe he's a daschund mix.

now i know he's a puppy and all, but MAN can this little guy chew. he chews on everything.. shoes, tables, couches, computer bags, rugs, carpet, towels, cords, EARS (yes i said ears.. and it freaking hurts too)... and this morning i woke up to him tugging on my comforter.

well, tonight i was working on my computer only to look down and see this....

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the poop was chewing ON MY MAC..... i guess maybe he thought it was a big flat piece of chicken..

i can't be mad at him though.. he's just too darn cute.

oh, and last week i went in to dodge get my oil changed... and i got a dodge magnum instead.
so, yeah.. i changed my oil alright....

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and this was just after learning of will ferrell's SNL skit with the phrase "i drive a dodge stratus!!"
if you've never seen it,... please... watch it. it's freaking hillarious (especially for those of us who USED TO drive a dodge stratus... that's right... "used to")... "i hate you, you big fat turd".. ha.. so funny.

oh, right.. and all the "herse" and "station wagon" comments about the magnum don't phase me. i love my car and it stores ALOT of junk. alot. i've waited a LONG time for this and it rocks.

alright.. bedtime for misty
g'night all.