i've had a couple things happen since my last post... the saturday before easter me, taylor, & matt sat down in my mom's kitchen and dyed a smurf-load of eggs. i picked up some tie-dye and funky paint egg dye and mom had the cups-o-color for egg dunking (which was taylor's main method of egg-coloring). we spent a good while prettying the eggs up, and well, for some of the eggs... they actually looked better before we got our hands on them. i actually think taylor put more egg dye on her shirt and my mom's floor than she did on the eggs. here's a couple shots from the "egg coloring eggstravaganza" (haha.. i crack me up... get it .. crack.. haha).

this is matt telling taylor how she's supposed to slice gouda cheese.. oh, no wait.. he's explaining how to dye the eggs.. silly me.

check out her shirt.
i tried using one of the cups for a funky photo effect, but i wasn't impressed (impressed with myself, of course.. just not the "effect'')

matt fashioned him some eggshell eyeballs.. the one on the right was his pride and joy.. he made some really cool looking dead trees on the egg.

this is my swamp egg... i know, i know.. you're jealous. i'm not surprised.
easter morning the bunny paid a visit to taylor and got her some really neat junk (if i do say so myself).. she got some bubbles, lots of candy, sweedish fish, a frisbee, happy feet dvd, some jewelry, a doll that came with markers for her to write on it with, which i'm supposed to throw in the washer to clean it off for her to draw on it all over again, but it looks like instead her comforter is going to have to take a trip to the washer because she apparently "missed" when trying to write on the doll and went to town on her comforter.
here's some shots from easter morning:

that's her "wow, look at that easter grass" face.

probably the most photographed child ever.

taylor sporting her easter dress with her massive chocolate bunny who's ears she chomped off last night.... and that's her brand new basketball goal there to the left.
we had a good easter.... lots of food, lots of eggs, and of course... lots of reese's peanutbutter eggs.
post-easter news:
last monday i didn't have to bowl league.. thanks to brandi and lisa who were on their awesome cruise kissing dolphins and snorkeling and junk.... but i still love them anyway (punks). so me and matt hit up the bowling alley to shoot a few games and i um.... well, let's just say i knocked one out of the park. it's really too bad i wasn't bowling league that night (thanks again y'all) because i bowled a 215 baby!! the funny thing is that me, matt, and the little dude bowling on the lane on side of us all had strikes in the first frame.. and i said "hey, look, we're all working on our first 300 game".. even though that wasn't true, i sure thought it was when my first six balls were strikes...
this is the printout of the games i bowled that night.. pretty consistent eh? i really think i deserve a ring or something for this.
this is matt reading taylor dr seuss' "sneetches". if you've never read it, read it. it's a pretty awesome book.

oh and something else.. we've made some more paintings...

this one is another one of our "jelly donuts". the left side is mine and the right side is matt's.

this is my newest one. i figured i'd be a little less retarded about this whole abstract art thing and make use of my elementary circles and lines paint skills. matt's been working on one for a while, but it's not done yet and i don't want to spoil it, so you'll have to wait until he finishes it.
also... we have our paintings hanging at the waterlife museum here in houma. we put them up thursday for "art after dark". to read about the event, just click
here. and if you look really good at the photo on that link, you can see our paintings on the wall.... but no fear.. if you can't see them in there, check them out here:
they'll be there for the next couple weeks i guess.. so if you've got a hair appointment that got cancelled or just got out of court, take a walk over to the museum and check it out.
we didn't get to visit art after dark and listen to the awesome comments people said about our paintings because we were at the french quarter festival in new orleans. i showed up a little late, but i got to hear rebirth... here's a shot of them.. and then, of course, a self portrait.

it was muggy for a while and then the wind started blowing like 48.763 miles an hour, but we loaded up on coke caps, so that was good.. ah ahem.. by the way.. i'm still accepting those.. you know, just whenever. um, no.. now. i meant now. i'm accepting them now. but you know, just whenever. (i'd like to thank all of those who have helped us out so far... just like "that person who just farted, but is trying not to look like they did"... you know who you are).
oh, and on sunday was the annual blessing of the fleet in chauvin. it's basically a boat parade where all the shrimp boats and skiffs.. and even some smaller boats get decorated up and parade down the bayou into lake boudreaux. the priest rides on the lead boat and blesses all the shrimp boats he passes as he goes down the bayou (before they all go out into the waters for the shrimping season). matt put up a gallery of photos from the event on
houmatoday.com so go check it out. as for me,... i've got my own little gallery of photos from the boat blessing:

this is the boat we rode on (the lead boat).

me and matt on the boat

and, of course (sorry matt) me and martin folse (for those of you who don't know him, he was in my first blog.. sort of.. and he's a "local celebrity" .. the guy who owns the tv station and proudly puts himself on it every chance he gets). i got him to volunteer for the dunk tank for relay for life at the end of this month, so that should be fun. anyone who wants to see martin folse get dunked.... or wants to dunk him yourself.. hey hey... now you get your chance. you're welcome. i am accepting gifts for this awesome work that i do for the community, so please, don't be shy.
please direct all positive comments about me, my blog, my paintings, my photography, my exceptional cheeseball eating skills, my awesome car, my wonderful use of the words "a", "and", & "the", or my pop a shot skills to me personally (oh and anything else you'd like to leave positive feedback about).
as for all negative comments, please refer them to my dog dixie. she doesn't listen to you anyway.
oh and congratulations are in order.. since i finally finished my taxes.
i wish you all a great week... and myself as well :o)