Wednesday, January 31, 2007

laundry over troubled water

some people are addicted to smoking, some to biting their fingernails, others are addicted to driving as poorly as humanly possible. me? i'm addicted to flooding my bathroom (apparently). every night while getting my bath water ready, i tend to roam around the house and search for things to do in the meantime. my bath takes a good twenty minutes or more to fill up to where i like it, and i am not a "sit and watch the bath water pour" kind of person.... nono. i am a multi-tasker. and while something is doing all on it's own, i keep myself busy. i usually get taylor ready for bed, let the dogs out, watch a little tv, do some laundry, some dishes, or check my e-mail. well, last night i decided to sit down at the computer and try to work on a photo project..... bad idea. it was a good 40 minutes or so before i realized that the bath water was still running. and out of my 5 or so times of flooding the bathroom, this was by far the worst time. the reason i remembered the bath was running was because i heard water draining from my air conditioner. thought it was strange.... so i thought some more.... and then i made a mad dash for the bathroom... only to find exactly what i knew i'd find. the water had seeped about two feet into the carpet of my bedroom. how nice. not to mention that the air condition vent on the floor was spraying water into the air (that's a new one... even for me).

i've learned not to panic in such a situation... maybe i did my first two or three times, but not now.. not this time. oh no.. i'm an old pro now. since the laundry on the floor of my bathroom closet had kept the water from going into the closet, i decided to macgyver this sucker. (maybe that's not the right term, but if i feel like using it.. i will -note this for future reference of all my blogs). anyway, so i spread my laundry all over the floor to try to soak up the water... then whatta you know... i remembered that i had a WHOLE lot more dirty laundry that i could use. so i took a little journey to the laundry room and gathered it all up and threw it on the flo'. (this would save me having to wash more stuff than i was already scheduled to).

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right in the middle of all this, matt called while on his way home from an assignment and he offered to go to my parents' house and pick up the shampooer. fantastic. that was a huge help and saved me from having to freeze my tootsies off by going outside (thanks matt). now why the shampooer you ask? well, i've learned that sucking up the water with a machine that is made to suck up water from carpet is much more efficient than trying to terrycloth the situation.

hopefully i will figure out how not to do this in the future, but until then... i will become a google result for how to ruin an evening.


Tuesday, January 30, 2007

fruitcakes and gingerbread men

here's a little video i found today. enjoy.

Monday, January 29, 2007

blogs, bowling balls, and martin folse

i hereby welcome myself to my new blog. i hope this will be a comfy spot for myself, and i wish me the best in all my endeavors. ((bows)) thank you... thank you..

i hope to keep up with this blog on a fairly regular basis (feel free to not quote me on that). i will try to use this as an outlet for photos, stories, updates on whatever's going on in my life, venting my frustrations, and noting anything else i find humerous or noteworthy (i may even include some not-so-accurate sports information from time to time just to give you sports nuts something to discuss with yourself -*singular*). this first post will be a little bit of all of these (not necessarily in that order). but don't worry... i will categorize them so's not to cause mass confusion. this one will be a tad bit long, and i apologize, but i do have to make a grand entrance, now don't i. (oh and just for the record, there are no capital letters in misty blog land).

i will begin with venting:

so tonight was my weekly bowling league night. my average is somewhere in the neighborhood of 124 and my high score is a 201 (which i was pretty smurfed about, so feel free to applaud....... *now*..................*) tonight my high score was a 135. i didn't really care about the scores as much as i was annoyed at the team we were playing against. one thing that is at the top of my "stuff that aggrivates the poop out of me" list is being rushed. i hate it, and i tend to avoid it at all costs (yes, even if it means being a few minutes late... as some of you may be familiar with). well, to make a not-so-long story short, one of the ladies on the other team was fussing because we weren't bowling fast enough and she needed to hurry up and get to work. misty said "poop on her" and continued at her same old "normal person trying to tick off the person who ticked her off in the first place" pace. not only was this, in my opinion, the least friendly team i had bowled against thus far, the lady who was in such a hurry actually stayed for a bit after to chat with her friends. ergo- misty was annoyed.


so matt met up with us at the bowling alley on this not-so-stormy night and watched us play a few games during league. after we were finished, we all decided to bowl some more games. matt got up there, bowled a strike, another strike maybe, maybe another one.... possibly even a spare or two (can't really recall exactly how it all "went down"), and at the end of the tenth frame, lo and behold, he pulls out a 203 (his first 200+ game ever). we were all extremely proud of him.. but none more than myself. he even got a my little pony sticker for his efforts from taylor.... who, incidentally, was involved with her crush (a 13+ year old boy who she thought was just so cute, and felt the need to tell everyone). she would even wave with just the tips of her fingers and batt her eyes at him... it was too funny.

so, congratulations to matt for his awesome bowling score tonight... and let's hope taylor forgets about boys and starts playing in the dirt or something.

goins on in my life:

house, deperate housewives, american idol, & pizza rolls
oh, and sometimes, in between all of that, i go to my job as a "non-engineer of compressed air parts for all sorts of machines" oh, and that mom thing that i do... and occasionally i pick up a camera and shoot stuff.


all this discussion about reggie bush's unsportsmanlike conduct during the bears game........ i personally thought bush's pointing at that urlacher guy while running into the endzone just before his flip was fantastic... props my brother, props.


now i leave you with a photo booth self portrait from tonight of me and our very own martin folse (bayou time).

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

feel free to bookmark my page and check it as often as you change your socks (and for some of you... as often as you think about changing your socks).

goodnight and good news,

misty :o)